- February 28, 2024
Building Community Partnerships to Boost Mobile Crisis Response (webinar series)
Mental Health & Substance Use | Media | Publication | February 2024To successfully reach people who have been missed or failed by the behavioral health system, mobile response teams must…
- May 10, 2023
Homecoming: Life After Incarceration — Supercharging Reentry Success
Homelessness | Publication | May 2023Under TAC's cooperative agreement with the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of HIV Housing, staff and consultants…
- May 9, 2023
Jordan Neely Did Not Deserve to Die
Homelessness | Mental Health & Substance Use | Racial Equity Action Lab | Blog Post | May 2023It must become universally unacceptable for a person like Jordan Neely not to receive needed treatment services and affordable…
- February 17, 2023
Optimizing Recovery Funding, Volume 2: Strategies for State Funding of Recovery Support Services
Homelessness | Mental Health & Substance Use | Report | Publication | February 2023In partnership with the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence, TAC conducted a baseline analysis of state funding on recovery…
- April 15, 2022
Aligning Expectations to Improve Hospital Discharge Planning for People Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness | Blog Post | April 2022Many acute care and psychiatric in-patient hospitals struggle to provide safe discharge for patients who have no place to…
- March 24, 2022
Vicarious Trauma and Staff Retention: A Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis
Blog Post | March 2022Self-care is not enough; the time is now to address systemic gaps in support for behavioral health workers who…
- January 13, 2022
Federal Policy Recommendations to Support State Implementation of Medicaid-Funded Mobile Crisis Programs
Medicaid | Mental Health & Substance Use | Issue Brief | Publication | January 2022In the context of new federal funding policies and the recent launch of the 988 behavioral health crisis line,…
- January 12, 2022
Mobile Crisis Teams: A State Planning Guide for Medicaid-Financed Crisis Response Services
Medicaid | Mental Health & Substance Use | Manual | Publication | January 2022A review of new federal requirements and funding opportunities related to community-based mobile crisis intervention services.
- October 18, 2021
Implementation of the 988 Hotline: A Framework for State and Local Systems Planning
Mental Health & Substance Use | Issue Brief | Publication | October 2021988 presents a unique opportunity for the behavioral health system, law enforcement, 911 systems, and other stakeholders to strengthen…
- February 3, 2020
Olmstead at 20: Using the Vision of Olmstead to Decriminalize Mental Illness
Mental Health & Substance Use | Olmstead & Community Integration | Report | Publication | February 2020Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court's historic Olmstead decision 20 years ago, many more people with mental illness now…