- April 15, 2022
Aligning Expectations to Improve Hospital Discharge Planning for People Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness | Blog Post | April 2022Many acute care and psychiatric in-patient hospitals struggle to provide safe discharge for patients who have no place to…
- March 18, 2021
Liberated Gatekeepers: Learning to Provide Technical Assistance Rooted in Racial Equity and Social Justice
Homelessness | Blog Post | March 2021“Come join us to reimagine the homeless system,” the invitation said. “And while you are at it, take a…
- January 7, 2020
How Youth Action Boards (YABs) are Partnering with Communities to End Youth Homelessness
Homelessness | Blog Post | January 2020What happens when young people with lived experience bring their expertise and creativity to their communities' efforts to end…
- January 23, 2018
We Need All of Us: Tips for CoCs Working to Welcome People with Lived Experience
Homelessness | Blog Post | January 2018It is now widely accepted that planning and implementing successful programs to prevent and end homelessness requires direct involvement…
- December 7, 2017
Coordinated Entry — What’s Working Well
Homelessness | Blog Post | December 2017Implementing coordinated entry is a significant systems change, and will continue to have effects long past its first iteration.…
- August 19, 2016
Using Medicaid to Pay for Services in Permanent Supportive Housing: Steps for CoC Leads to Get Started
Affordable Housing | Homelessness | Medicaid | Manual | Publication | August 2016Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is an effective intervention for ending chronic homelessness. An essential part of the PSH model…
- December 15, 2014
Key Considerations for Serving Chronically Homeless Persons in CoC-Funded Permanent Supportive Housing
Homelessness | Issue Brief | Publication | December 2014On July 28, 2014, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued Notice (CPD-14-012) on Prioritizing Persons…