With drug overdose deaths at critical levels and adding to the risks already faced by people experiencing homelessness, it is time to combine our best knowledge and most effective interventions. Harm reduction, while fundamentally necessary, is not enough, but must be paired with culturally responsive and best practice supportive housing, on-demand treatment, and peer-delivered recovery supports. This brief builds the case for deliberately combining these interventions through cross-system coordination, and offers state and federal policy recommendations.
Associated resources:
Addressing our Drug Overdose Deaths: Combined Strategies to Optimize Health, Wellness and Recovery through a Culturally Responsive System of Care (webinar, November 2022, SAMHSA Homeless & Housing Resource Center)
Boosting the Power of Harm Reduction: Strategies to Build a Coordinated and Culturally Responsive System of Care for People with Substance Use Disorders who are Experiencing Homelessness (an action resource for specific systems and providers, SAMHSA Homeless & Housing Resource Center)