Rental Assistance
The nationwide shortage of targeted, affordable rental housing opportunities is one of the most critical challenges faced by federal, state, and local policymakers. In recent years, states and communities have worked to match limited rental assistance resources with the disabled and homeless households that face the greatest housing barriers and have the most significant supportive service needs. Such efforts have resulted in Move On initiatives, Olmstead-related preferences, and other innovative strategies.
TAC’s approach balances regulatory requirements and financial sustainability with the importance of developing deeply affordable housing options for disabled and homeless households.
Areas of Expertise
- Technical and regulatory expertise in HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, Continuum of Care, Emergency Solutions Grants, and multifamily rental assistance programs, including Section 202 and Section 811 development
- Targeted waitlist preferences and referral strategies to support the utilization of federal rental assistance programs by people with disabilities
- Sustainable tenant- and project-based rental assistance programs targeted to priority disabled and homeless populations
- Rental assistance program policies and procedures, tools, and marketing materials
- Integration of project-based rental assistance from federal and state/local sources through specialized development consulting and underwriting analysis