HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) HOPWA program is the only federal program focused on the housing needs of low income people living with HIV and AIDS. HOPWA recognizes that safe, affordable housing is critical to access to quality health care and improved health outcomes. HUD regulations provide HOPWA grantees significant flexibility to design programs to meet local needs, including homelessness prevention, permanent housing, supportive services, and access to vital information and resources.
In 2016, the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) revised the way HOPWA formula grants are awarded, allowing a five-year phase-in of the new approach; for many grantees, this change has meant taking a new look at their programs and approaches. With additional revisions to the regulations expected soon — and with the pandemic affecting every aspect of program delivery to HIV-positive clients, who are at elevated risk for coronavirus — grantees must adapt their programs in order to ensure both impact and compliance.
TAC consultants bring decades of HOPWA experience, and as a HUD-designated HOPWA TA provider, TAC offers educational materials, webinars, in-person trainings, and direct interventions to HOPWA grantees.
Areas of Expertise
- HOPWA Modernization (HOTMA)
- Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
- HOPWA program management
- Housing creation for people living with HIV
- Retrofitting older housing models to meet the current needs of people living with HIV
- Comprehensive, community-wide planning
- Compliance with HOPWA and other federal regulations such as 2 CFR Part 200