The Tac Blog

Access: The TAC Blog

Leading experts report from the intersection of affordable housing, health care, and human services policy.

  • November 2, 2017

    Will Opening Up More Psych Beds Really Address the Opioid Crisis? Not So Fast.

    Medicaid | Mental Health & Substance Use | Blog Post | November 2017

    All efforts to expand access to treatment are important, but the push to open up large facilities for SUD care as the first priority should be kept in perspective.

  • September 21, 2017

    News, Resources, & Happenings at TAC – September 2017

    Mental Health & Substance Use | Olmstead & Community Integration | Blog Post | September 2017

    Residents, service providers, and property managers share supportive housing success stories ― and TAC consultants show how community-based care can reduce the demand for inpatient psychiatric beds.

  • September 5, 2017

    Making a Healthier Workplace for Everyone

    Mental Health & Substance Use | Olmstead & Community Integration | Blog Post | September 2017

    While employee readiness is important, there are many other factors that can boost job longevity and success for people with serious mental health conditions. By prioritizing these alongside employee readiness, we can create the conditions for long-term, sustainable employment.

  • August 17, 2017

    News, Resources, & Happenings at TAC – August 2017

    Olmstead & Community Integration | Blog Post | August 2017

    TAC joins coordinated actions to protect federal funding for housing, while states take steps to make community integration accessible to all.