The Tac Blog

Access: The TAC Blog

Leading experts report from the intersection of affordable housing, health care, and human services policy.

  • December 12, 2017

    Affordable Housing for People with Disabilities

    Affordable Housing | Blog Post | December 2017

    Increased rental demand combined with development primarily at the high end of the market has led to an ever-worsening affordability gap for extremely low-income renters with disabilities.

  • December 7, 2017

    Coordinated Entry — What’s Working Well

    Homelessness | Blog Post | December 2017

    Implementing coordinated entry is a significant systems change, and will continue to have effects long past its first iteration. It is important to use change management strategies that can strengthen the planning process.

  • November 28, 2017

    Putting Psychiatric Hospitalization into Context

    Mental Health & Substance Use | Blog Post | November 2017

    Stable and affordable housing combined with voluntary services can contribute to improved outcomes for people with mental illness, while reducing incarceration and homelessness.

  • November 14, 2017

    News, Resources,& Happenings at TAC – November 2017

    Homelessness | Blog Post | November 2017

    At the end of October, 800 service providers and Continuum of Care leaders came together for two intensive days of workshops, presentations, and teamwork focused on rapid re-housing.