The Tac Blog

Access: The TAC Blog

Leading experts report from the intersection of affordable housing, health care, and human services policy.

  • August 19, 2024

    Pride at TAC

    Affordable Housing | Mental Health & Substance Use | Blog Post | August 2024

    Members of TAC's queer affinity group reflect on the intersection of LGBTQIA2S+ communities & the affordable housing, homelessness, and service systems at the core of TAC's mission.

  • July 2, 2024

    Where Do We Go from Grants Pass?

    Blog Post | July 2024

    Policies that criminalize homelessness are wrong, counterproductive, and ineffectual. To prevent communities from defaulting to this approach in the wake of Grants Pass, Congress and states must fully support real solutions.

  • June 20, 2024

    Onward! Recommitting to Olmstead after 25 Years

    Olmstead & Community Integration | Blog Post | June 2024

    Community integration is not “just another task.” It's the law — and must guide both the design and the implementation of all systems that serve people with disabilities.

  • June 12, 2024

    SAIH Newsletter — June 2024

    Racial Equity Action Lab | Blog Post | June 2024

    SAIH community grantees from across the country meet in person to learn about forging equitable, effective research relationships with partner organizations; and the Community Power Network is launched!